JDE Provisioning on OCI - Part2

Deploy JD Edwards on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure:
In my previous post, we discussed about process flow and MTRs required for installing JDE in OCI.

Let's get started with the actual steps involved in provisioning the JDE on OCI.

We can divide the provisioning into 3 parts:

    1. Create the required compute instances
    2. Setup One-Click Provisioning (OCP) server
    3. Run the Orchestration from OCP Console

Before we begin, Generate Secure SHell (SSH) Key Pairs. 
On your local Microsoft Windows Local Systems use the PuTTY key generator for generating SSH key pairs. The utility is available at this link:


Generate the Private and Public key pairs, it is recommended to generate at least 2 key pairs.

Also, make sure you have access to the required compartments and permissions for the Cloud Console.

The minimum recommended size for each Linux-based server type except the Compute Oracle Database Server is "VM.Standard 2.2". 

The minimum recommended size for a Compute Oracle Database Server is "VM.Standard 2.4".

1. Create the required compute instances:

Please check my previous post (One Click Provisioning (OCI)- part3) on how to create a compute instance.

We have to create compute instances for OCP, DB, ES, HTML & AIS.

Download the JDK for Linux-x64
Download the WLS 12.1.3/12.2.0 generic jar files for WLS

Compute instance must have a supported version of WebLogic Server pre-installed. 


  • The password for any WebLogic Server user cannot contain a $ character. Using this character violates the Oracle Cloud password policy and will result in denied access.
  • Compute instance must also have a supported JDK version installed.
  • WebLogic Server must be defined with at least one domain.
  • WebLogic Server must be in a running state and able to connect to the Admin Console.
  • WebLogic Server must have a running Node Manager process for the existing domain.
  • WebLogic Server must be installed as a user that is part of the oracle group.

Db server can be  either DBaaS or a VM with basic DB installed.

2. Set Up One-Click

Install GEM Package:

To enable access to the Deployment Server, you must use the RubyGems program to install winrm as a gem package on the Provisioning Server

As the opc user, use this command: 

gem install -v 1.8.1 -r winrm

Verify the GEM install is successful as indicated by this returned message: 

Successfully installed winrm-1.8.1
Parsing documentation for winrm-1.8.1
1 gem installed 

Note: Ensure your version of winrm is 1.8.1. Other versions of winrm are not supported in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.

It is possible that when the requisite RubyGems program is installed it delivers the latest winrm 2.2.3 version. In this case, the newer version must be uninstalled. Use this command to determine the version of winrm on your Microsoft Windows instance:

gem list --local winrm

If the return code displays as below, it indicates that multiple versions of winrm exist.

retCode: 0 output: winrm (2.2.3, 1.8.1)

Because only version 1.8.1 is supported, if there are multiple versions installed, you must uninstall the other versions. For example, to uninstall winrm version 2.2.3, use this command:

gem uninstall winrm --version 2.2.3

This step installs and launches the One-Click Provisioning tool.

Download the files for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne One-Click Provisioning from the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud using All Categories and JD Edwards One-Click Provisioning as the search criteria. 

From the displayed list, choose the combination of JD Edwards EnterpriseOne applications and tools releases and proceed to add the items to your cart.

Download the items in your cart. These items have part numbers in the form of VXXXXXX.zip and may not be in sequential order.

From your download location, unzip all files, which will extract the DiskPart files that need to be reassembled, a rebuild script, and a checksum file. Upload all the unzipped files to any directory on the Provisioning Server. 

Note: At this point it is recommended that, space permitting, you make a copy of these files in case you need to reuse them without re-downloading and reuploading.

Ensure the rebuild.sh script has the proper permissions to execute by using this command: 

chmod 775 rebuild.sh

Execute the rebuild script with this command:

sudo ./rebuild.sh

The script performs these operations:

Step 1 - Checks to ensure sufficient space is available on /u01 to complete the extraction
Step 2 - Combines the unzipped pieces of the archive file into a single file
Step 3 - Uses the checksum utility to verify the recombined file size
Step 4 - Moves the JD Edwards packages to the proper location, which is /u01 

Note: The extraction and rebuild process can take quite some time, perhaps as long as 10 to 20 minutes.

Run the setupPr.sh Script

You must run the setupPr.sh script that was delivered when you extracted the Provisioning Server archive as described in the preceding section. This script automates the remaining required configuration of the Provisioning Server and performs these requisite tasks:

  • sets up permission and ownership of the extracted content
  • Adds system files such as jd edwards, chkPort, and chkDNS
  • Configures the Samba service
  • Adds the Server Manager Console service
  • Adds the Provisioning Console service
  • Creates and configures CA certificates

From the script location on /u01, run this command as the root user:


Important: If you attempt to run this script as any user other than root, the script will immediately report an error condition: Script must be run as root.

Once the command runs successfully, the Provisioning Console should be up and running. You can access the Provisioning Console using a URL with the following syntax:

https://<Public Ip Address>:3000

3: Deploy JD Edwards with the One-Click Provisioning Tool

Launch the One-Click Provisioning tool and connect to the interface at the following URL: https://<public_IP_address>:3000

<public_IP_address> is the public IP address for the One-Click Provisioning Server Instance running on the Server Manager Console host.

The One-Click console looks as follows:

Perform the following steps to complete the deployment.

Click the Configure box and enter the server manager details.

Next, click the Orchestrate box, system will prompt for SSH keys, upload the keys we generated above. Also provide JDE password and sitekey password details and click Save.

Next screen, Quick Start deployment.

 You are prompted for details about the environment that was built during the Terraform step and details about the upcoming deployment, such as user IDs, hostnames, path names, and so on. The inputs are validated on each screen. When the Quick Start is complete, review or edit the inputs by again clicking the Orchestrate box. Walk through the server details in the Advanced settings, where you can configure more complicated environments by using multiple server configurations.

When the orchestration step is complete, click the Deploy box in main console to begin the installation. This step completes the installation and configuration of the JD Edwards environment from start to finish without any further interaction. Allow a few hours for the deployment to complete. In the meantime, monitor the progress on the Deployment Status screen.

When the deployment is complete, the JD Edwards environment is fully available.  From this point, you can customize the JD Edwards application environment to suit your business needs by using the same JD Edwards management tools that are familiar from non-cloud deployments.

Reference: Oracle Documentation.


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